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Social responsibility all along the textile supply chain

Work must be dignified, safe and fair. As is the case with most fashion labels, we are not the owners of the factories where our products are produced. However, we do want to ensure that the people who create our products work under safe and fair working conditions.
OLYMP maintains very reliable and long-term business relations with its international manufacturing partners, above all for our core product, the shirt. In total, we work together with only a few, well selected shirt companies – and with some of these for decades. In this way, we ensure that our quality standards are maintained and we provide the foundation for the ongoing improvement of social standards. 

The seven-person sustainability team at OLYMP is in constant and direct contact with the production companies outside of Germany in order to ensure compliance with environmental and social standards. We consider ourselves here as a partner on equal footing, accompanying the producers in their development towards a more sustainable production. As important as audits and certifications are: We attach great importance to getting an accurate picture for ourselves of the local conditions during regular visits to our production partners.
In addition, we are involved in initiatives and organisations in the industry with the aim of jointly achieving sustainable improvement in working and social standards in the supply chain.

Responsible Business Conduct Policy

As a globally active company, OLYMP also bears global responsibility. The recognition of and respect for human rights have always been of key importance for us. We are committed to the implementation of human and labour rights – both at our headquarters in Bietigheim-Bissingen and globally – thereby improving living and working conditions at OLYMP and in our supply chains. Our commitment considers any adverse impact on people or the environment that we cause, contribute to or which we are directly associated with. We commit to strengthening human rights as well as preventing violations. Our Responsible Business Conduct Policy expresses our traditional values as well as our responsibility.

Our commitment at a glance

Fair Wear

The Fair Wear Foundation is an independent, non-profit multi-stakeholder initiative with more than 140 members, dedicated to improving working conditions in the clothing industry's supply chains. By joining Fair Wear, OLYMP clearly commits to maintaining high standards and to creating more transparency. On a yearly basis Fair Wear conducts a “Brand Performance Check” and closely reviews all our measures towards monitoring and optimisation of working conditions at our international production partners as well as the impact of our general purchasing practices. The results are then published on Fair Wear’s website.

OLYMP Brand Performance Check

International ACCORD for Health and Safety in the Textile and Garment Industry

The Accord on Fire and Building Safety in Bangladesh was created in May 2013 and was a response to the devastating collapse of the Rana Plaza building in Bangladesh. The Accord is a legally binding agreement between western brands, retailers and trade unions designed to permanently improve the safety of workers in the clothing industry in Bangladesh. OLYMP signed the Bangladesch Accord in November 2013as well as in the years thereafter all subsequent agreements signed and has since made great progress in terms of implementing fire safety and building safety measures.

More about the ACCORD

iMPACT Program

The iMPACT Programme is OLYMP’s social audit and development programme, which we developed in 2021 together with the workwear supplier HAKRO and the service provider LRQA (formerly ELEVATE Ltd.) iMPACT stands for:Insight & motivation, Partnership & action, Capacity-building & transparency. We want to gain honest insights into production conditions and motivate our partners to act – collectively and collaboratively – to develop our capabilities and achieve a higher level of credibility and transparency.

Ban on forced labour: OLYMP declaration on the UK Modern Slavery Act and und Canada Forced Labour and Child Labour in Supply Chains Act

Modern slavery is a crime and is a violation of fundamental human rights. OLYMP rejects all forms of forced labour, all manifestations of modern slavery in the form of bonded labour and servitude, forced and compulsory labour and modern human trafficking. We regularly inspect our direct suppliers and partners to ensure that they are acting in compliance with the Modern Slavery Act of 2015. With the following declaration, OLYMP is giving a clear signal that it rejects all forms of forced labour and modern slavery and is therefore fulfilling its own voluntary undertaking as a responsible global company.

We report in depth about our risk analysis and results in our Human Rights Due Diligence Report (HRDD Report)

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